[Ashwin K Whitchurch] as well as [Venkatesh Bhat] have not missed a beat entering this year’s Hackaday prize with their potentially lifesaving gadget HeartyPatch. The project is a portable single cable ECG machine in a little footprint sporting Bluetooth low energy so you can utilize your phone or one more gadget as an output display.
Olyan projektek, mint ez, amit a Hackaday-díj az egész, a világ megváltoztatása. medical gadgets expense an arm as well as a leg so it’s always fantastic to see medical hardware given the open source as well as open Hardware scene. We can already see many utilizes for this job ideally if it does what’s declared we will be seeing these in hospitals around the world sometime soon. The job is designed around the MAX30003 single-lead ECG tracking chip together with an ESP32 WiFi/BLE SoC to handle the wireless data transmission side of things.
Igazán előre nézzünk, hogy pontosan látjuk, hogy ez kiderüljön. even if this doesn’t win a prize, It’s still a winner in our books even if it only goes on to assist one person.
A Hackadayprize2017 szponzorálódik: